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Information on document storage, imaging services, shredding and more.

Protect Your Children from Identity Theft During Back to School Season

Protect Your Children from Identity Theft During Back to School Season

Tis the season for school shopping, lunch box notes, bus rides, and - identity theft?! Unfortunately, the back-to-school season is a fruitful time for identity theft as vaccination records, free and reduced lunch applications, birth certificates, and other secure and confidential documents change hands, both physically and electronically. Whether you're scanning copies of vital records to your computer and then emailing them to the school or making a copy and sending it with your little one on the first day, you could be at risk of a breach. 

How Businesses Can Prepare for Disaster with Document Imaging

How Businesses Can Prepare for Disaster with Document Imaging

Preparing for natural disasters is one of the most important things you can do, especially if you live in an area where these weather-based issues are more common. As part of your preparedness goals, you'll want to consider document imaging. That involves scanning paper documents and uploading them to a secure, electronic storage location as part of your disaster recovery plans.

Small Business Spring Cleaning 101: Don't Ignore Business Records Management

Small Business Spring Cleaning 101: Don't Ignore Business Records Management

Spring, what a wonderful time of year. The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming and the sun’s shining just a little bit brighter. But the season isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. It’s also the time of year when many successful businesses start cleaning up the office.

3 Hard Drive Destruction Misconceptions And How to Solve Them

3 Hard Drive Destruction Misconceptions And How to Solve Them


Juggling ever-changing records management practices can be a challenge, especially when it comes to the digital processes that we have become comfortable with.

While many records managers monitor industry trends, it's important to fully understand each aspect of records management on a detailed level, including the proper methods for destroying hard drives.

Understanding Best Practices For Commercial Warehousing

Understanding Best Practices For Commercial Warehousing

Workers in a commercial warehouse don’t have only their customers’ products to worry about – they also have to worry about best practices for data security. Commercial warehousing has a lot of paper and digital data, including client and customer information and product information. Your employees are your first line of security, so they must have proper training in best practices for commercial warehousing data security.

Let's Talk About Quality Assurance In Commercial Warehousing

Let's Talk About Quality Assurance In Commercial Warehousing

Commercial warehouses use two methods of quality monitoring their operations: Quality control and quality assurance. Many warehouses use the terms interchangeably, but there is a difference. Your main office could be hundreds or thousands of miles from a commercial warehouse, depending on your operations. You’re not there to make sure the commercial warehouse is doing its job. Gilmore provides quality assurance for all warehouse transactions to ensure that your product is handled and delivered with care.

Secure Document Storage: A Step-by-Step How To

Secure Document Storage: A Step-by-Step How To

Whether you are an employee or a CEO, you need to know how to keep your customer’s information safe. Most companies now have extensive cybersecurity policies for everyone to follow, but it’s still imperative that you stay aware of security breaches. Employees could go rogue, or customers and patients could lift documents off desks. Employees could err by inadvertently sharing sensitive information or clicking on links that are viruses or keyloggers.

Secure Document Storage for Legal and Financial Professionals

Secure Document Storage for Legal and Financial Professionals

The number of documents that legal and financial professionals ultimately accumulate can be considerable. Organizing, filing, and securing these documents can become a full-time job in and of itself, which explains why this task is so often pushed aside in favor of more pressing matters. If you’re interested in better storage, you should know that the benefits of taking control of all the chaos will be immeasurable. Gilmore specializes in this secure document storage because we know just how much our clients rely on the additional protection. 

Why your Moving Services Should Be With Gilmore

Why your Moving Services Should Be With Gilmore

When it’s time to move, you want a moving company that is trustworthy and insured. Gilmore provides residential and commercial moving services. We can help you move in the Pensacola and surrounding areas. One of the benefits of businesses that use us for moving includes data protection. We can store documents that you no longer need to keep in the office, or we can scan the documents and then store them if you feel you might need easier access to them.

Moving? Moving Services Tips for the Gulf Coast

Moving? Moving Services Tips for the Gulf Coast

Whether you are moving your office or your home, you need to take certain steps to protect your data. This is the perfect time to declutter your office or home office, too, since you should shred any document with an expired retention time. Gilmore provides help with moving your office or home office by offering shredding and moving services. Once you go through the documents and set aside those you no longer need to keep, consider using Gilmore to move the rest of the documents to your new office. Another alternative is to scan documents that you still need to retain but no longer need to keep in the office.

One Time Shredding Services, We Make It Easy!

One Time Shredding Services, We Make It Easy!

Security is important both at home and in the office. It’s important to safely dispose of unwanted papers. Otherwise, your paperwork could fall into the hands of criminals intent on stealing your identity or the private information of your customers.

How To Choose A One Time Shredding Service Company

How To Choose A One Time Shredding Service Company

First, let's explore who typically utilizes one time shredding services. One-time shredding services are most helpful for individuals and companies who have a large number of confidential documents that need to be destroyed. Examples include small businesses or startups who have accumulated a large number of documents; legal firms; healthcare organizations; government agencies; financial institutions; and individuals.

Customer Data Security in 2023

Customer Data Security in 2023

Customer data in 2023 has never been more valuable for hackers. As the economy rises and falls, and programs like ChatGPT make malware easier to access than ever before, the pressure on organizations just keeps dialing up. It can be nerve-wracking for decision-makers who don’t want to take any chances.

3 Must-Do's Before Moving Into A New Home Or Business

3 Must-Do's Before Moving Into A New Home Or Business

While relocating to a new home or business can be overwhelming, it's also a great opportunity to reduce overwhelm by decluttering and purging. Because you're going through your belongings one by one in order to pack them away, it's the most opportune time to evaluate which items still add value and which items can be donated, thrown away, sold, or securely destroyed. You might not immediately consider documents in the list of things-to-review, but documents belong near the top of the list. Moving documents that contain confidential information from one home or business to the next poses risk to everyone involved; be sure to move only those that you still need.

How Mobile Shredding Can Work for You

How Mobile Shredding Can Work for You

One of the decisions you'll make as you choose a shredding provider is whether shredding will be performed on-site or off-site.

Are You Taking the Proper Precautions this Tax Season?

Are You Taking the Proper Precautions this Tax Season?

It’s tax season, which means that you are getting tax forms in the mail, via email and downloading them from various employers, stock trading accounts, banks, and other accounts. You may be doing your taxes online. You should ensure that your data stays safe as it travels through cyberspace. All sites should be secure – they will have an “HTTPS” instead of “HTTP.” You should also use encryption for your email.

3 Tips for Reducing Your Tax Identity Theft Risk

3 Tips for Reducing Your Tax Identity Theft Risk

When someone steals your personal information and Social Security number, he or she can file a tax return and fraudulently claim a refund. If you are a victim of tax identity theft, you may not be able to file an electronic tax return. The IRS recommends filing a paper return if you cannot file an electronic return. The IRS should notify you if someone filed a tax return in your name.

Ringing in the New Year with Proven Medical Records Management Tips

Ringing in the New Year with Proven Medical Records Management Tips

Nurses are tasked with gathering patient information; thus, they are at the front of patient privacy and information security. Even with the extensive safety protocols in place in most doctors’ offices, hospitals, and other medical establishments, the staff must stay on top of information security to guard against the identity theft of medical records. It is doubly important for those working in smaller medical establishments, as many identity thieves believe – and hope – that information security is not as strong as in larger medical establishments.

Annual Paper Purge is Near

Annual Paper Purge is Near

It’s nearly the end of the year, which means the year-end paper purge is upon you. Now is the time you should start going through the stacks of paper you saved over the year. If this is the first time doing a paper purge, start with separating documents that are past their retention time and those that you need to keep longer. You can then file those you need to keep to make the year-end paper purge easier next year.

How Are Your Scanning and Storage Handled in These Winter Months?

How Are Your Scanning and Storage Handled in These Winter Months?

While it’s a good practice to have a retention schedule and get rid of documents at the end of their retention time, storing documents where they can be damaged by storms, could damage them to the point they are useless. Whether you are a business or an individual, you should keep copies of your documents – either with a third party or scanned onto an external hard drive that you can lock up and take with you should your business flood.

How to Ensure Safe Records Management for Accounting Firms

How to Ensure Safe Records Management for Accounting Firms

A client's financial data is what makes an accounting firm go 'round. Thus, they should have a great records management system. Missing records, poor documentation, and regulatory write-ups can be a nightmare. One missing spreadsheet could mean an expensive mistake for the client and the accounting firm. Nintex found that 49 percent of respondents to a study said that locating documents was a problem in their organizations. Some accounting firms keep boxes and boxes of records – records they don't really need to keep. Creating a records retention schedule helps keep your clients' records organized. It also significantly reduces the risk of identity thieves hitting the jackpot if they break into your business.

What Are the Different Types of Shredding Equipment?

What Are the Different Types of Shredding Equipment?

When you need shredding services, one of the areas you want to consider is what type of shredding equipment is being used. Some of it works better than others, and you don't want any sensitive information falling into the wrong hands. Standard paper shredders work for most things, but you may want to consider whether a strip-cut shredder or cross-cut shredder is the best choice for your needs.

What is Proper Document Destruction?

What is Proper Document Destruction?

Document destruction is very important to make sure that people aren't getting access to sensitive information. A lot of people just toss things into the trash and don't worry about what happens to them afterward. While that's generally fine for some items, there are plenty of other pieces of paper that could have important details on them. You don't want just anyone to get their hands on any of that. Proper document destruction is the way to reduce that risk and have more peace of mind.

3 Tips For Protecting Your Money & Important Documents At College

3 Tips For Protecting Your Money & Important Documents At College

Sending kids back to school can be worrisome, but one of the most commonly overlooked risks is the lack of security when it comes to their personal documents and vital records. When living in common spaces, sharing electronic devices, discarding mail in the trash, and attending class away from the dorm and their belongings, students are at risk of identity theft, credit card fraud, and more. 

How to Make Your Computer as Secure as Possible for Working Remotely

How to Make Your Computer as Secure as Possible for Working Remotely

All employees who have access to confidential organizational data or private client or employee information have a responsibility to keep their computers secure, but employees who work remotely face additional risks and challenges. When working remotely, employees are more likely to use their computer for personal reasons, leave their computer unlocked and unattended, and connect to unsecured networks. Protecting confidential information when working from home can keep your organization, coworkers, and customers safe from the threat of identity theft. These tips and tricks can help.

What Is Data Encryption & How Does It Protect Me

What Is Data Encryption & How Does It Protect Me

Data encryption is the process of making digital files and emails unreadable by anyone who does not have the key. It keeps your data away from prying eyes, identity thieves and hackers. If you were to try to read an encrypted file without the key, it would be a mess of jumbled letters and / or numbers. An example of data encryption is online banking. When you pull up your bank account, you access the data through 128-bit encryption. Thus, only you can see your bank account information.

Keeping your information safe: How to properly Dispose of Records

Keeping your information safe: How to properly Dispose of Records

Many businesses and government agencies have schedules for record retention and disposal. Certain types of records are kept longer while others are kept for a shorter time. But the actual disposal of records should have specific procedures, especially if they contain personally identifiable information (PII).

Do you have a Plan?: How to prepare your Documents for Disaster

Do you have a Plan?: How to prepare your Documents for Disaster

When disaster strikes you need to know that your business operations will continue to run smoothly and your information systems won’t be completely uprooted. A document disaster recovery plan will help to minimize disruption to the normal operations of your business while preventing or limiting the extent of damage.

Shred-A-Thon 2022: 45 Tons of Paper Shredded and 756 Trees Saved

Shred-A-Thon 2022: 45 Tons of Paper Shredded and 756 Trees Saved

Gilmore recently provided trucks for annual shredding events in Pensacola, FL, and Mobile, AL. Designed to help people cut down on the odds of identity theft, the two events drew in 2,622 drop-offs and 89,000 pounds of document destruction. 

How Do Data Breaches Happen?

How Do Data Breaches Happen?

As technology has become essential to the business world and life in general, we often hear about data breaches and how it has completely destroyed a lot of companies and compromised sensitive information. Data privacy doesn’t have to be compromised if the right protocols and safety measures are put in place.

3 Reasons to Shred Your Old Tech

3 Reasons to Shred Your Old Tech

When your hard drive quits or storage drive becomes null-and-void, it’s easy to just pile all of it up in a corner or back room. You promise to attend to it later, but you never really get around to it. Or worse, you toss it in the trash as-is so you never have to look at it again. Maybe you wipe it first, or maybe you just hope that the password protection will be enough. However, consider what’s on a busted piece of technology. What kind of password lists or files are waiting to be discovered by a criminal who considers themselves the Indiana Jones of identity theft? We’ll look at why you should shred your old tech and who can help you out when you don’t know what to do with all your old devices. 

Scan Or Shred: What To Do With Old Tax Returns

Scan Or Shred: What To Do With Old Tax Returns

Another year of tax season is here and you may be wondering what to with old tax returns. The truth is, it depends. There are different timelines assigned to certain documents that may require you to keep your tax returns and supporting information longer than normal recommendations. Once you have spoken to someone with authority who can provide sound recommendations, that’s when you move forward.

Tax identity Theft: What You Need To Know

Tax identity Theft: What You Need To Know

Identity theft is a draw for criminals, one that allows them to wreak havoc on people’s lives while being shrouded in secrecy. When tax season pops up, the stakes get even higher. All the information, from your Social Security number to your transcript, is often relatively easy to both intercept and capitalize on. The best thing for anyone to do right now is to be aware of how criminals function and who they target — because it’s not always the wealthiest people. In fact, it’s more likely to be an everyday person who just got a little careless about security. 

RIM Services for Companies of All Sizes

RIM Services for Companies of All Sizes

Using a company for RIM services significantly decreases the risk of losing important information. You not only know where all of your business records are but they are also kept safe from prying eyes. And, when combined with a retention schedule, your business records won't ever take over digital or physical storage.

Document Storage for Inclement Weather

Document Storage for Inclement Weather

Dealing with inclement weather any time of year can be hectic, but knowing how to protect paper from weather conditions that can affect your operations is critical. Businesses that use document storage methods to keep paper records intact face an uphill battle, especially because certain conditions can damage those documents. Too much moisture, too much heat, and water damage are all factors to consider.

5 Questions to Ask Your Document Storage Provider

5 Questions to Ask Your Document Storage Provider

Many organizations utilize commercial document storage centers to maintain their paper or digital records for the recommended or required retention period. For paper records, this can clear up much-needed real estate in your brick-and-mortar office, keep files organized for easier access, and take the burden of tracking destruction dates and maintaining archived records off your plate. For digital records, this gives you access to expensive scanning and storage software, allowing you to customize the structure to meet your needs. For both, it ensures your document storage services meet the stringent security standards set by government agencies and other regulatory bodies in your industry.

Let Us Come To You: Gilmore’s Mobile Shredding Solutions

Let Us Come To You: Gilmore’s Mobile Shredding Solutions

Most Americans have paper waste at home that would pose a risk if disposed of in the garbage can, like bank statements, tax returns that are beyond their retention period, loan applications, and more. Any document that contains your date of birth, social security number, passwords, signatures, bank account number, or credit card number can be used by criminals to steal your identity and cause you harm. Additionally, documents that contain your address, phone number, email address, family history (i.e. mother's maiden name, grandparents' names, etc.), children's names or dates of birth, and more can be used to guess passwords and initiate unwanted contact. Shredding documents that contain confidential information is key.

New Year, New Office? Get Ready with Gilmore

New Year, New Office? Get Ready with Gilmore

If you are starting a new job working from a home office, you need to get the office ready before the first day of work. Being prepared is the best way to start and be successful in a new venture. Part of getting ready – other than furnishing the office – is to organize the services you will need, including document shredding. An office deals with many documents and digital media that contain others' private information.

End of Year Shredding Purges with Gilmore

End of Year Shredding Purges with Gilmore

As the end of another year approaches, now is a good time to evaluate your document destruction policy and consider your end-of-year shredding strategy. While it's easy to get a little relaxed about documents that have reached the end of life, leaving them in storage beyond their shred date poses risk to your home and your identity security. Year-end purging can help free up space in your home, remove fire hazards, protect your personal information, and prevent threats of identity theft or fraud. While year-end document shredding can seem overwhelming, we're here to help.

Scanning and Storage in Florida’s Winter Months

Scanning and Storage in Florida’s Winter Months

In Florida, winter can be very wet. Unlike other areas where it’s very cold, there are certain parts of the state that have rain no matter what time of year. It’s always a good idea to be prepared for anything when living in Florida, and businesses should have a good scanning and storing system in place to accommodate any unforeseen flooding that can wreak havoc on their business, documents, and systems. Finding a good partner that understands the logistics of Florida’s ever-changing inclement weather to safely carry out a document management plan is key.

Record Management For Accounting Firms

Record Management For Accounting Firms

It’s the time of year when it’s time to review and reflect on what’s occurred throughout the year. It’s also a time where purging should be at an all-time high. Document shredding should be on schedule for the final weeks of the year, in addition to document scanning for documents and data that can’t be disposed of. Knowing which records to retain and which ones can be destroyed can make or break an organization that deals with sensitive data. An effective plan must be in place and carried out on a consistent basis.

Save Your Business Time and Money With Document Scanning & Storage

Save Your Business Time and Money With Document Scanning & Storage

You can increase productivity and security in your office by using a document scanning service. Whether the files are active or in retention, scanning them into a secure cloud server allows you to access them when needed and keeps them secure from prying eyes. If you are not ready to move to a 100 percent digital office, you can not only scan the documents, which makes it easier to find them and secure them, but you can take advantage of our secure document storage.

Document Scanning vs. Document Shredding: What Do I Need?

Document Scanning vs. Document Shredding: What Do I Need?

Data breaches can happen to anyone, regardless of the size of the company. A breach, whether of physical or digital documents, can cost you a lot of money. You could be fined, and the person whose identity was stolen could sue you. You can take steps to minimize the chances of a data breach. Combining document destruction, document scanning, records storage, cloud storage and implementing a strong security system for your computers are all things you can do to minimize a data breach.

The Small Businesses Guide to Document Scanning and Storage

The Small Businesses Guide to Document Scanning and Storage

Trusting a company to handle scanning your records, whether they are your HR records or your clients' files, is a big step for some businesses. When it comes to scanning and storage, you want to make sure that the company you choose scans every document and that the document storage facility is secure.

Go Green: Reduce Waste with Document Shredding and Storage

Go Green: Reduce Waste with Document Shredding and Storage

Shredding documents and then recycling them doesn't really help the environment when you can't send those documents to a recycling facility that handles tiny pieces of paper. When you shred paper, it shortens the fibers and makes the paper just about useless. However, because we at Gilmore have so many documents – bales of them every day – we send the shredded documents to a special recycling plant that is able to use these tiny pieces of paper to make other products.

Gilmore's Back to Office Checklist

Gilmore's Back to Office Checklist

While aftereffects from Covid-19 aren’t over, many companies require their employees to return to office areas. What does that mean? It means that those employees who were working from home need document shredding solutions to ensure no company data or information is compromised. In addition, the company must have storage and other solutions ready to ensure a smooth return.

Post Covid Downsizing

Post Covid Downsizing

You’re ready to get back in the swing of things and are considering downsizing your home office. There are tons of things you can do, but first, determine why you are downsizing. Have your needs changed? Are you going back to the office? Businesses have a few challenges ahead as they determine whether they will start employing a full staff at the office, keep a rotating hybrid of employees, or want to go entirely remote. For employees, as you’re contemplating what’s next, consider the following:

Scanning and Storage in Florida's Wet Seasons

Scanning and Storage in Florida's Wet Seasons

During Florida's wet seasons, it's easy enough for businesses to get flooded, even those that are not in flood zones. You can save your clients' documents by taking the steps to go paperless or, at the very least, by using a document storage and scanning service. When you decide to go paperless, that means that you will probably have to scan hundreds or thousands of documents that have not reached the end of their retention time. It sounds like a big chore that most would rather ignore.

Protect Your Customers Data-Hard Drive Destruction

Protect Your Customers Data-Hard Drive Destruction

With identity theft more prevalent than ever and more and more companies going fully digital, the risk of customer data getting into the wrong hands is even higher. Most companies have good security, but they don't think about letting data on old hard drives getting into criminals' hands. 

Document Storage Solutions for Your Business

Document Storage Solutions for Your Business

Although many offices have resorted to going full-paperless, there are still many businesses that have not taken the time to assess their document storage protocols. Having a professional document storage company you can tap into to assist in protecting sensitive data is key. Why is document storage so important?

How Long Should You Keep Your Tax Records

How Long Should You Keep Your Tax Records

People are often at one end of the spectrum or another – they either keep tax records forever or throw them away as soon as they do their taxes. If you're in the former category, it's time to go through all of those old records and shred those you don't need to keep. If you're in the latter category, you need to keep your tax record for up to seven years.

Protect Your Customers Data

Protect Your Customers Data

A hard drive is a particularly valuable item to a criminal. Whether it starts as an idle curiosity or a full-fledged identity theft scheme, hard drives contain much information that people would prefer to keep private. If you own a business, it's up to you to keep your customers' information from falling into the wrong hands. The ripple effects of just one identity breach can branch into areas of people's lives that they may not have even realized were possible. Merely wiping a hard drive can't always do the job, and this is a common fallacy that can land people in hot water. Real hard drive destruction takes the whole process a step further, so you're assured that all the data stored on that drive is gone forever. 

Maintain Data Confidentiality In The Workplace

Maintain Data Confidentiality In The Workplace

Confidentiality in the workplace has always been important, but modern offices have complicated the status quo. With every technology upgrade, the workforce is forced to adjust to new procedures and expectations. New workplace laws come out to set the standards for businesses and threaten serious penalties in the face of violations. As much work as it is though, confidentiality needs to take priority. The loss of information can mean anything from legal hassles to a complete shutdown of a business. To keep your livelihood protected, here are five tips to getting it right.

Future of Gilmore

Future of Gilmore

In 1955, Jim Gilmore started a company to help people and businesses move their precious, sentimental and personal belongings. What started as a moving company has evolved into a business that goes beyond transportation. Under the direction of our father, Ronnie Gilmore, we expanded our services to include document management and storage, shredding and data hard drive destruction, and digital imaging and scanning, among others. Today, we serve over 6,000 clients from along the Gulf Coast to across the country.

How To Choose A Shredding Company That Fits Your Needs

How To Choose A Shredding Company That Fits Your Needs

When you are looking for a shredding company, you need to check several factors, including the locality and the certification. Making a list titled how to choose shredding company and googling shredding company near me helps you locate local companies and compare services and certifications.

Records Storage Systems That Can Change Your Law Firm

Records Storage Systems That Can Change Your Law Firm

When you are a law firm, you are held to a higher standard for protecting your clients’ data. Identity theft is a real problem that could cost your law firm hefty fines. One of the more significant issues a law firm has is that they store records right in the office.

5 Ways Shredding Companies Secure Your Sensitive Information

5 Ways Shredding Companies Secure Your Sensitive Information

Keeping your clients’ and employees’ sensitive information away from prying eyes is something every company should stay on top of. Even an inadvertent breach could result in hefty fines. You can protect data in your office, but what happens to that data after you’re done with it?

Is Offsite Shredding Secure? Onsite vs. Offsite Shredding Services

Is Offsite Shredding Secure? Onsite vs. Offsite Shredding Services

As a business manager or owner, you want to protect your client's confidential information, so you make the smart move and decide to work with a local shredding service company.  But is that shredding service provider AAA NAID Certified?

What’s The Right Shredding Service For My Company? One-time or Ongoing

What’s The Right Shredding Service For My Company? One-time or Ongoing

Smaller businesses often forego retaining a shredding company because they believe they do not have enough paper or digital media to shred. Gilmore Services provides shredding services for small and large companies by offering one-time purge shredding and ongoing shredding.

7 Reasons Your Business Needs Shredding Services

7 Reasons Your Business Needs Shredding Services

If your business shreds documents in-house or does not shred documents at all, you should consider retaining a shredding company to help you prevent your customers’ information from being stolen or hacked from your computers. Shredding documents with an over-the-counter shredder might not create pieces of documents that are small enough, which means they are at risk of being recreated.

5 Things To Do To Enhance Information Security

5 Things To Do To Enhance Information Security

If information security is not at the top of your list, it should be. You could have to pay large fines should you experience a data breach. While most companies know about securing data, their employees may have some habits that open companies to identity theft and data breaches. Our five recommendations to create a more secure environment for company data include:

How to Ask Your Friends to Help You Move

How to Ask Your Friends to Help You Move

Anytime you prepare to move from one place to another, you need help. Very few of us could move our belongings without assistance. For many people, a move means asking friends to help.

COVID 19: Moving Tips for Couples

COVID 19: Moving Tips for Couples

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to some couples deciding to quarantine together. That makes sense from the standpoint of companionship during what would otherwise be a lonely time, but it also represents some challenges.

Office Consolidation Document Storage Tips

Office Consolidation Document Storage Tips

The new reality created by the COVID-19 pandemic has led many businesses to embrace the idea of employees working remotely. As the crisis continues, we expect to see more business consolidating their workspace to reduce overhead expenses.

Small Business Emergency Loan Document Management Tips

Small Business Emergency Loan Document Management Tips

Small businesses have been hit hard by the mandatory closures and changes mandated during the COVID-19 pandemic. One way to get relief is to apply for an emergency loan as provided for in the CARES Act.

Shredding: 7 Commonly Forgotten Documents

Shredding: 7 Commonly Forgotten Documents

When you think about shredding personal document, your focus is probably on financial documents. Anything that could potentially compromise your credit or put you at risk of identity theft is an obvious chose for shredding and you’re not likely to overlook it.

Hire Local Movers to Avoid These Top Moving Mistakes

Hire Local Movers to Avoid These Top Moving Mistakes

Even when everything goes smoothly, moving can be stressful. It becomes more so when something doesn’t go as planned, or when you inadvertently make a mistake that costs you time or money.

Document Scanning: Preparing for Tax Season 2021

Document Scanning: Preparing for Tax Season 2021

You may be getting ready to file your 2020 income tax return, but that doesn’t mean it’s too early to start planning for next year’s taxes. In fact, the decisions you make now can have a huge impact on how long it takes you to complete next year’s filing when tax season rolls around.

Gilmore Services: Essential Service Designation

Gilmore Services: Essential Service Designation

One of the things we have all been learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic is that we are all interconnected in ways we may have taken for granted. Those connections include both our personal lives and our businesses.

Gilmore Services Coronavirus Update

Gilmore Services Coronavirus Update

Like all of you, we have been following the COVID-19 pandemic news with concern and sadness. This is a difficult time for the entire world, and we must all come together if we hope to come through this challenge.

Remote Work: Keeping Company Information Secure

Remote Work: Keeping Company Information Secure

We’ve all had to adjust to a new reality thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the biggest changes has been that many of us are now working from our homes.

Hard Drive Shredder: The Solution to Your Digital Hoarding Problem

Hard Drive Shredder: The Solution to Your Digital Hoarding Problem

It’s easier than ever to save digital information. Most of us have thousands of files between our email inboxes, cloud storage, social media sites, and our phones. And while it can seem like a good idea to save everything “just in case,” the opposite may be true.

Proper Data Destruction Can Protect Proprietary Information

Proper Data Destruction Can Protect Proprietary Information

Does your company have valuable proprietary information stored on your hard drives? A lot of businesses store important information, including client records, data, product research and more on hard drives on their premises.

5 Ways to Improve Your Practice’s Health Record Management System

5 Ways to Improve Your Practice’s Health Record Management System

Records management is a crucial concern for every healthcare practice. Not only do you have a moral obligation to your patients to manage their records responsibly, but you also have a legal responsibility under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to have a secure health record management system in place.

How does HIPAA Compliance Benefit your Business?

How does HIPAA Compliance Benefit your Business?

Complying with HIPAA law is a requirement for all companies in the healthcare industry as well as all medical providers. If you’re starting your own business and HIPAA law affects you, you might be feeling overwhelmed at the thought of adhering to HIPAA regulations.

7 Things You Can Lose to Help you Declutter Before You Move

7 Things You Can Lose to Help you Declutter Before You Move

There are few things people dread more than the process of moving. Even when the move is an exciting one, moving is a lot of work and can cause significant stress. That stress may be elevated if your current home is cluttered with belongings.

6 Signs You are Ready to Upsize your Apartment to a House

6 Signs You are Ready to Upsize your Apartment to a House

Whether you live alone or with other people, you may be wondering whether it’s time to upsize from an apartment to a house. The decision may feel like an obvious one – but what if you’re not certain?

What You Should Know About Moving to Florida

What You Should Know About Moving to Florida

Moving is both exciting and stressful. When you’re moving to a new state, there are elements of uncertainty that can complicate the move and raise questions.

4 Benefits of Hiring a Moving Company During the Off-Season

4 Benefits of Hiring a Moving Company During the Off-Season

Moving from one place to another can be stressful, particularly if you plan to move at a busy time of  year. For example, trying to book a move in a college town in August or September can be a real challenge!

Protect Customer Data by Following These 7 Document Storage Tips

Protect Customer Data by Following These 7 Document Storage Tips

Storing customer data puts you in the position of being responsible for protecting your customers’ personal information. Whether you’re storing financial data such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers and Social Security numbers, or personal healthcare information, you have a moral and legal responsibility to act responsibly.

Preparing Your Pet for a Move

Preparing Your Pet for a Move

Moving is stressful for people and it can be even more stressful for pets. After all, you and your family understand the move and why it’s happening. Your pet doesn’t.

Do HIPAA Privacy Policies Apply to your Organization?

Do HIPAA Privacy Policies Apply to your Organization?

HIPAA privacy policies exist to protect patients’ personal health information. The responsibility of complying with HIPAA regulations falls with healthcare providers, insurance companies, and any other organization that collects and stores health records.

5 Tips to Create a Retention Plan for Personal Documents

5 Tips to Create a Retention Plan for Personal Documents

Even if your finances and personal affairs are uncomplicated, you still have personal documents that you must retain for legal purposes. But you might not be clear about which documents you need to keep and how long you need to retain them.

Internal Data Destruction Risks vs Benefits

Internal Data Destruction Risks vs Benefits

Is your business bound by HIPAA, FACTA or Sarbanes-Oxley regulations? If so, then you have a legal responsibility to maintain accurate records and destroy them according to the timetables specified by the law.

Compliance and Information Security Risk with Records Management

Compliance and Information Security Risk with Records Management

Every company should be concerned with information security. The average data breach costs $3.9 million and can do irreparable damage to your company’s reputation. The same is true with compliance missteps, which can cost thousands of dollars in fines and lost trust.

Packing Your Moving Boxes? 5 Tips for Couples Moving in Together

Packing Your Moving Boxes? 5 Tips for Couples Moving in Together

Moving in with your significant other is a big moment in any relationship. It means that you’re blending your lives into a new, shared life. And, while it’s a happy moment and something to be celebrated, it can also be quite stressful if you don’t approach it properly.

What are the Consequences of Improper Data Destruction?

What are the Consequences of Improper Data Destruction?

Data destruction is in the news frequently – and for good reason! It seems that hardly a month goes by without a new story about a major data breach. In some cases, these breaches are the result of poor security. And in others, the issue is improper destruction of data.

6 Commonly Forgotten Tasks and Expenses During a Move

6 Commonly Forgotten Tasks and Expenses During a Move

There are few things in life more time-consuming and expensive than moving. Whether you’ve just bought your first home or you’re downsizing, you’ve got a long to-do list. And, if you’re like most people, you’re probably concerned about how much it will cost.

How to Pack Fragile Items and Keep Them Safe During a Move

How to Pack Fragile Items and Keep Them Safe During a Move

Packing your belongings is one of the most time-consuming parts of moving. Whether you’ve just bought a new home or you’re opening a new office, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and frustrated by the process.

Why There is a Rising Need for Secure Shredding

Why There is a Rising Need for Secure Shredding

As a business owner, it’s your job to maintain accurate records and destroy them in accordance with regulations. While it might be tempting to simply buy a shredder and do your shredding in-house, there are some reasons that security experts don’t recommend it.

6 Simple Steps to Help Your Office Go Green & Reduce Waste in 2019

6 Simple Steps to Help Your Office Go Green & Reduce Waste in 2019

For many companies, it’s important to conduct their business in a way that’s environmentally responsible. It’s part of the reason that Gilmore Services’ document scanning and electronic storage options are popular. They allow organizations to keep their documentation for as long as necessary without printing items unnecessarily.

Document Overload? 4 Signs You Need to Call a Shredding Service

Document Overload? 4 Signs You Need to Call a Shredding Service

Documents are important to every business. Whether you’re storing client contracts, printing invoices, or filing your taxes, you need to maintain accurate records and ensure that you and your employees have what you need to make your company a success.

Hard Drive and Document Destruction: 4 Tips for Post Tax Season

Hard Drive and Document Destruction: 4 Tips for Post Tax Season

Once tax season is over, many businesses take the opportunity to review their document retention schedules and destroy hard drives and documents they no longer need. It’s a good time to do it and allows you to ensure that you’re in compliance with regulations and best practices.

Taxes Filed? Know What Documents to Keep and What to Shred

Taxes Filed? Know What Documents to Keep and What to Shred

Filing taxes is an annual requirement and one that can occupy a lot of time for both individuals and businesses. Once your taxes are filed, you might want to relax and forget about them. But, you’ll need to consider what to do with the documents related to your taxes.

3 Steps to Establishing a Record Retention Schedule

3 Steps to Establishing a Record Retention Schedule

Record retention is important for every business. Depending on the industry, enterprises are required to retain a variety of documents in adherence with regulations and destroy them on a schedule. Individuals also need to think about record retention and dispose of personal information properly.

How Much Could You Save by Hiring a Moving Company?

How Much Could You Save by Hiring a Moving Company?

Moving is a time-consuming endeavor. Whether you do the move yourself or hire movers to handle it for you, there are decisions to be made, belongings to be packed, and services to be canceled and arranged.

4 Ways to Make Data Security a Priority in Your Organization

4 Ways to Make Data Security a Priority in Your Organization

Anybody who’s been paying attention to the news knows that data breaches have become increasingly common. Data thefts have affected large companies like Target as well as smaller companies around the world.

Best Practices for Health IT Data Management

Best Practices for Health IT Data Management

Every organization that stores health and medical records on behalf of patients must adhere to HIPAA regulations. The regulations specify which records must be stored, which security measures must be taken, and when records must be destroyed.

4 Wrong Ways to Destroy a Hard Drive Permanently

4 Wrong Ways to Destroy a Hard Drive Permanently

Destroying a hard drive isn’t as easy as you might think. Even data on a drive that’s been severely damaged can sometimes still be retrieved. That’s a scary thought if your organization needs to destroy data in accordance with HIPAA or FACTA regulations.

Keep Your Company’s Reputation Safe with Uniform Destruction

Keep Your Company’s Reputation Safe with Uniform Destruction

Security is important for every organization. It’s common for business to have systems in place to store and destroy their important documents and data according to regulatory requirements. But, even if you’re doing everything right when it comes to document destruction, you might still be leaving yourself at risk in other ways.

Transporting Medical Records: HIPAA Privacy & Security Reminders

Transporting Medical Records: HIPAA Privacy & Security Reminders

Moving important medical records from one point to another is far more involved than moving office furniture and supplies. You have a responsibility to the people whose records you store to keep their personal information secure. You also have a legal obligation under HIPAA to adhere to their privacy and security guidelines.

Alleviating Sarbanes-Oxley Act Risks with Records Management

Alleviating Sarbanes-Oxley Act Risks with Records Management

Every company has a responsibility to keep accurate accounts. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 dictates specific record-keeping and accounting requirements. Failure to comply with them can lead to legal penalties as well as damage to your reputation.

4 Tips for Tackling Document & Media Destruction

4 Tips for Tackling Document & Media Destruction

When they are kept too long or stored insecurely, your business documents and media can become more of a liability than an asset. In fact, improper destruction of data is a common mistake and it can be a costly one.

Keep Your Hospital Move Liability-Free

Keep Your Hospital Move Liability-Free

Moving confidential medical records from one location to another can present a real challenge. Any time you move data, you must comply with HIPAA regulations to protect your patients’ privacy. A move represents a potential problem if your data isn’t properly handled and secured at all times.

NAID AAA Certification for Document Shredding?

NAID AAA Certification for Document Shredding?

Shredding documents is a critical component of compliance with regulations like HIPAA and FACTA. When documents are not properly destroyed, there’s a risk that they might be stolen or reconstructed, thus compromising the privacy and security of your clients.

Critical Security Steps to Protect Patient Information

Critical Security Steps to Protect Patient Information

Moving medical records involves far more than simply packing them into boxes and loading them onto a truck. HIPAA regulations require any company that stores and transports personal health information (PHI) to take precautions to ensure that the documents they maintain are protected from unauthorized access, theft, and damage.

Top 5 Reasons to Store Your Business Documents Offsite

Top 5 Reasons to Store Your Business Documents Offsite

Storing business documents is a concern for every company. Without proper storage, you run the risk of misplacing documents or losing them to water damage and other environmental hazards. And, if your company stores financial or health records, improper storage can lead to regulatory infractions.

Data Destruction vs Data Retention?

Data Destruction vs Data Retention?

Dealing with your company’s valuable data requires care and attention. It’s your responsibility to safeguard your clients’ privacy and adhere to any regulations that apply to the storage and destruction of the data you collect.

What to Expect from Professional Document Management Services

What to Expect from Professional Document Management Services

Properly indexing, storing, and destroying documents according to regulations can be a time-consuming task. Many companies struggle to keep up, and yet, the cost of improperly storing and destroying documents can be astronomical.

Do You Have a Small Business Disaster Recovery Plan?

Do You Have a Small Business Disaster Recovery Plan?

Every small business owner knows that keeping track of essential documents is a must. In the event of a disaster, your ability to access those documents can help you stay in business even if you can’t get to your office.

How to Eliminate Costly Errors with Records and Information Management

How to Eliminate Costly Errors with Records and Information Management

Records and Information Management, or RIM as we call it, is an essential part of keeping your valuable business records and data secure. It’s not uncommon for companies to make mistakes when managing their records due to carelessness or inexperience.

Security Errors and Hard Drive Destruction Mistakes

Security Errors and Hard Drive Destruction Mistakes

Regardless of your industry, data breaches are a serious threat. Your data (and data you store on behalf of your clients) is vulnerable to attack. It’s your job to do whatever you can to protect it.

5 Facts About In-House vs Outsourced Document Shredding Services

5 Facts About In-House vs Outsourced Document Shredding Services

All businesses create documents to record customer and client interactions and maintain employee records. While it’s important to store those documents for some time, both government regulations and personal preferences may make it necessary to destroy them.

Your Guide to Document and Media Destruction for Your Office and Home

Your Guide to Document and Media Destruction for Your Office and Home

All good things must come to an end, and business information is no exception.

Even if destroying physical and electronic information isn’t at the top of your priority list, that doesn’t mean it isn’t important. Destruction is a crucial part of the information lifecycle, which protects against fraud, identity theft and ensures security of business and client interests.

Your Survival Guide to Document Storage Compliance in 2018

Your Survival Guide to Document Storage Compliance in 2018

Whether your files are in unorganized disarray — crammed into the storage closet for “safekeeping” —  or you actually face the threat of legal penalties, there’s no better time than now to do some document housekeeping. The new year is around the corner, so why not make document storage and compliance your company’s 2018 resolution?

3 Reasons to Work With a Local Shredding Company

3 Reasons to Work With a Local Shredding Company

Why partner with a shredding company when you can just buy a shredder yourself? I mean, document destruction is as easy as grabbing some files, putting them through the shredder and calling it day, right? Well, not exactly.

If Moving Boxes Could Talk: 3 Inside Tips for Your Pensacola Office Move

If Moving Boxes Could Talk: 3 Inside Tips for Your Pensacola Office Move

So you need to move your office but don’t know where to start. No problem! That’s where I come in — I am the moving boxes you need for your next office move. Moving is often a painstaking and time consuming process, but it doesn’t have to be.

I’ve got a few tips to streamline your Pensacola move and make the process as painless as possible for you (and me).

How to Emotionally Prepare for a Pensacola Move - Expert Tips to Save Time and Manage Stress

How to Emotionally Prepare for a Pensacola Move - Expert Tips to Save Time and Manage Stress

As most of us know from first-hand experience, moving can be one of the most stressful experiences in life. In fact, moving is high on the list of stressors next to divorce, death of a loved one and job loss. There are many reasons we move to a new home, like a new job, a nicer or bigger home to be closer to loved ones, or even out of necessity from a natural disaster. Whether you’re moving across town or across country, the anticipation of planning, packing, and the disruption of your routine is enough to make anyone feel stressed.

Are Your Business Records in Danger? Pros and Cons of DIY Document Storage

Are Your Business Records in Danger? Pros and Cons of DIY Document Storage

As your business grows, a filing cabinet is often not enough to contain all of your important records. Threats like theft, prying eyes and environmental dangers like mold or water damage can seriously harm your important documents and put your business at risk.

Packing a storeroom with boxes or renting a storage unit may seem like an easy fix, but is it the best way to keep your important records, and business, safe?  

Do You Have A Disaster Recovery Plan In Place For Your Business?

Do You Have A Disaster Recovery Plan In Place For Your Business?

When it comes to the safety of business documents you should hope for the best but plan for the worst. This is especially true if you live in an area prone to natural disasters. A backup plan is a must to protect documents and avoid compromising sensitive information.

Why Is Document Storage And Retention Scheduling Necessary?

Why Is Document Storage And Retention Scheduling Necessary?


For some, document management might seem like a luxury and not a need. You might wonder the reason for seeking records management services when organizing, storing and disposing of documents could take place in-house. To answer this question, business owners don’t have to look much farther than a colleague's cluttered storage closet, or, even worse, their own disarray of boxes and loose papers.  

3 Surprising (But True) Facts About Document Storage Services

3 Surprising (But True) Facts About Document Storage Services

Document storage might not be the most exciting part of your job as an office manager, but that doesn’t mean it’s not vital to your company’s operations. Privacy, security, and compliance are all at stake when you decide where and how to store company documents.

How to Adhere to HIPAA Laws the Right Way

How to Adhere to HIPAA Laws the Right Way

The adoption of computer and mobile technology has revolutionized the delivery of medical care over the last two decades. While new technology helps caregivers and medical administrators operate more efficiently than ever before, it also increases security and privacy risks.

4 Ways to Declutter and Prepare for Your Move to Smaller Office

4 Ways to Declutter and Prepare for Your Move to Smaller Office

As a business owner or facility manager, you probably associate the concept of “bigger and better” with the idea of moving your business to a new location. But sometimes, even for companies that are doing just fine financially, opting for a smaller location offers even more benefits as far as streamlining, simplifying, and cutting operating costs.

3 Major DIY Pensacola Moving Mistakes to Avoid this Season

3 Major DIY Pensacola Moving Mistakes to Avoid this Season

Whether you’re moving into your family’s dream home, downsizing, or relocating your growing business, across the country or just across town, moving is both exciting and stressful. With the right preparation and professional help, it can be a wonderful experience. But some common mishaps can make an already difficult experience even worse.

Ensure FACTA Compliance with Document Destruction

Ensure FACTA Compliance with Document Destruction

As a small business owner or office manager, you take security seriously. Following a retention schedule and destroying documents when the time is right are just two ways you can protect your business and your customers from identity theft and other crimes. But, these steps are also critical to remaining compliant with federal, state, and local laws.

Why You Need to Work Document Storage Into Your Q3 Business Plan

Why You Need to Work Document Storage Into Your Q3 Business Plan

Believe it or not, the third quarter is around the corner. As a business owner or manager, now’s the time to finalize your business plan for the quarter so you can work toward meeting your financial goals in the second half of the year. That could mean ramping up your marketing efforts, making any necessary cuts, or increasing process efficiency.

The Easiest Way to Get Started with a Records Retention Schedule

The Easiest Way to Get Started with a Records Retention Schedule

When it comes to office organization and processes, sometimes it’s smarter to trust the experts. Sure, you could handle your own document storage and compliance responsibilities, but it’s often inefficient and, ultimately, costly.

Are You Properly Disposing of Your Business's Old Technology?

Are You Properly Disposing of Your Business's Old Technology?

The rapid development of technology means the road to obsolescence is shorter than ever. While many businesses wait for computers to break down before replacing them, that’s not always the most efficient policy. Once computers start to slow down, productivity and employee morale begin to suffer.

Why Secure Document Storage is Essential for Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance

Why Secure Document Storage is Essential for Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance

You’ve probably heard of this compliance regulation before, but do you really know what it means? Sarbanes-Oxley Act compliance is a critical step in the accounting and auditing processes of public companies.

However, some of the Act’s provisions also apply to private companies. Even accidently destroying documents required under the act can lead to repercussions, so every business needs to take steps to ensure proper compliance.

Q&A with a Pensacola Property Management Expert on House Hunting

Q&A with a Pensacola Property Management Expert on House Hunting

If you spent the winter debating whether or not it’s time to move, spring is the season to get serious. Before you know it, you’ll be dedicating your weekends to driving around the area’s most desirable neighborhoods in search of your next home.

Dangers of Being Careless About Document Shredding

Dangers of Being Careless About Document Shredding

Whether you operate a small, single-physician family practice or are an administrator in a large hospital, records management is one of your primary responsibilities. Efficient records management is critical, not only for day-to-day operations but—most critically—for patient confidentiality and compliance with federal mandates like HIPAA.

Compliance Catastrophe? Consider Automating Records Management

Compliance Catastrophe? Consider Automating Records Management

If you’ve decided to implement a more strategic records management plan this year, you’ve taken a big step toward increasing efficiency and security for your organization.

However, when many companies decide to enhance their records management, they may do so piecemeal, with different personnel managing different parts of the plan. This strategy often leads to inconsistencies and can negate many of the benefits a records management plan can provide.

Ask the Experts: Q&A with a Leading Pensacola Realtor on Preparing for a Move

Ask the Experts: Q&A with a Leading Pensacola Realtor on Preparing for a Move

Moving season is upon us. Whether you’re planning your first move or your fifth, you probably have plenty of questions about how to approach the process.

You can save yourself a lot of headache with a little inside knowledge. That’s why we called Kathy Justice, broker associate at Main Street Properties in Perdido Key, Florida. Kathy is the leading real estate expert in Perdido Key, where her market knowledge, enthusiasm and exceptional customer service skills saw her named the top volume sales agent from 2007 to 2014 and the top condo volume sales agent in all of Pensacola in 2014.

Office Managers: 4 Pieces of Offsite Document Storage Advice to Live By

Office Managers: 4 Pieces of Offsite Document Storage Advice to Live By

As an office manager, you have a lot on your plate: preparing payroll, developing and enforcing office policies, returning emails, ordering supplies, assisting with recruiting, and more.

One key responsibility that shouldn’t be overlooked is filing and storage. You need to store your company’s records properly to ensure compliance, efficiency and security.

Do You Really Know Where Your Business Records Are Stored?

Do You Really Know Where Your Business Records Are Stored?

As a business owner or manager, knowing the location and security of important business records should be a top priority. Not knowing where and how your critical documents are stored risks identity theft, compliance fines and damage to your company’s reputation.

Hard Drive Destruction: What Not to Do

Hard Drive Destruction: What Not to Do

Protecting your business’s data is critical to the continued health of your company. Financial and employee records, and other proprietary data stored on hard drives needs to be protected whether that data has reached the end of its lifecycle or not.

How Certified Document Destruction Will Change Your Business This Year

How Certified Document Destruction Will Change Your Business This Year

As a responsible business owner, you likely already know that certified document destruction offers a cost-effective and convenient solution for ensuring compliance with document disposal regulatory guidelines. It can also
save you money by enhancing security and maximizing your employees’ time.

Are You Asking The Right Questions About Your Local Moving Company?

Are You Asking The Right Questions About Your Local Moving Company?

If you partner with a moving company for your home or office relocation, you entrust that company with valuable, sometimes irreplaceable, parts of your life. Photographs, antiques, jewelry, electronics and digital data represent just a few of the items a moving company might be asked to carefully package and move on your behalf.

Break New Ground: How To Refine Records Management Compliance

Break New Ground: How To Refine Records Management Compliance

The New Year is a great time for your business to look ahead and put in place needed changes in key areas, including records management. While the implementation of new processes can be confusing and unorganized, it doesn’t need to be, and improved processes can ultimately benefit your business in the long run.

Expert Tips for Overcoming the 4 Biggest Residential Moving Blunders

Expert Tips for Overcoming the 4 Biggest Residential Moving Blunders

Whether you are relocating down the street or across the country, moving is often a stressful and time-consuming process. From preparing your family and friends to selecting the right moving company, planning for a move starts well before the packing and transportation begins.

3 Reasons it Pays to Carry Out Secure Hard Drive Destruction

3 Reasons it Pays to Carry Out Secure Hard Drive Destruction

Hard drives hold your business’s most valuable information, including proprietary data, financial statements and employee records. While the use of hard drives are widely prevalent and often necessary, the value of this information can create a problematic scenario when it comes time to upgrade your company’s hardware and increase technological efficiency.

Unfortunately, you can’t simply throw a hard drive in the trash at the end of its useful life and hope the information it contains will remain safe.

Why Do You Need Secure Document Scanning Before Going Paperless?

Why Do You Need Secure Document Scanning Before Going Paperless?

Going “paperless” is increasingly viewed as a key sign of a modern business. However, it’s not always in a company’s best interest to cut paper entirely out of record-keeping and other processes. Instead, it often makes more sense to simply cut back on paper use and begin the transition to paperless records management with digital files.

How to Use Document Conversion Services to Delight Your Customers

How to Use Document Conversion Services to Delight Your Customers

Modern companies understand the importance of reliable document scanning and digital conversion of records for remote access capability and information backup. They also realize that managing physical document storage in-house can tax even the most resource-rich businesses.