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Information on document storage, imaging services, shredding and more.

Protect Your Children from Identity Theft During Back to School Season

Protect Your Children from Identity Theft During Back to School Season

Tis the season for school shopping, lunch box notes, bus rides, and - identity theft?! Unfortunately, the back-to-school season is a fruitful time for identity theft as vaccination records, free and reduced lunch applications, birth certificates, and other secure and confidential documents change hands, both physically and electronically. Whether you're scanning copies of vital records to your computer and then emailing them to the school or making a copy and sending it with your little one on the first day, you could be at risk of a breach. 

How Businesses Can Prepare for Disaster with Document Imaging

How Businesses Can Prepare for Disaster with Document Imaging

Preparing for natural disasters is one of the most important things you can do, especially if you live in an area where these weather-based issues are more common. As part of your preparedness goals, you'll want to consider document imaging. That involves scanning paper documents and uploading them to a secure, electronic storage location as part of your disaster recovery plans.

Annual Paper Purge is Near

Annual Paper Purge is Near

It’s nearly the end of the year, which means the year-end paper purge is upon you. Now is the time you should start going through the stacks of paper you saved over the year. If this is the first time doing a paper purge, start with separating documents that are past their retention time and those that you need to keep longer. You can then file those you need to keep to make the year-end paper purge easier next year.

How to Make Your Computer as Secure as Possible for Working Remotely

How to Make Your Computer as Secure as Possible for Working Remotely

All employees who have access to confidential organizational data or private client or employee information have a responsibility to keep their computers secure, but employees who work remotely face additional risks and challenges. When working remotely, employees are more likely to use their computer for personal reasons, leave their computer unlocked and unattended, and connect to unsecured networks. Protecting confidential information when working from home can keep your organization, coworkers, and customers safe from the threat of identity theft. These tips and tricks can help.

What Is Data Encryption & How Does It Protect Me

What Is Data Encryption & How Does It Protect Me

Data encryption is the process of making digital files and emails unreadable by anyone who does not have the key. It keeps your data away from prying eyes, identity thieves and hackers. If you were to try to read an encrypted file without the key, it would be a mess of jumbled letters and / or numbers. An example of data encryption is online banking. When you pull up your bank account, you access the data through 128-bit encryption. Thus, only you can see your bank account information.

How Do Data Breaches Happen?

How Do Data Breaches Happen?

As technology has become essential to the business world and life in general, we often hear about data breaches and how it has completely destroyed a lot of companies and compromised sensitive information. Data privacy doesn’t have to be compromised if the right protocols and safety measures are put in place.

Scan Or Shred: What To Do With Old Tax Returns

Scan Or Shred: What To Do With Old Tax Returns

Another year of tax season is here and you may be wondering what to with old tax returns. The truth is, it depends. There are different timelines assigned to certain documents that may require you to keep your tax returns and supporting information longer than normal recommendations. Once you have spoken to someone with authority who can provide sound recommendations, that’s when you move forward.

Tax identity Theft: What You Need To Know

Tax identity Theft: What You Need To Know

Identity theft is a draw for criminals, one that allows them to wreak havoc on people’s lives while being shrouded in secrecy. When tax season pops up, the stakes get even higher. All the information, from your Social Security number to your transcript, is often relatively easy to both intercept and capitalize on. The best thing for anyone to do right now is to be aware of how criminals function and who they target — because it’s not always the wealthiest people. In fact, it’s more likely to be an everyday person who just got a little careless about security. 

Let Us Come To You: Gilmore’s Mobile Shredding Solutions

Let Us Come To You: Gilmore’s Mobile Shredding Solutions

Most Americans have paper waste at home that would pose a risk if disposed of in the garbage can, like bank statements, tax returns that are beyond their retention period, loan applications, and more. Any document that contains your date of birth, social security number, passwords, signatures, bank account number, or credit card number can be used by criminals to steal your identity and cause you harm. Additionally, documents that contain your address, phone number, email address, family history (i.e. mother's maiden name, grandparents' names, etc.), children's names or dates of birth, and more can be used to guess passwords and initiate unwanted contact. Shredding documents that contain confidential information is key.

New Year, New Office? Get Ready with Gilmore

New Year, New Office? Get Ready with Gilmore

If you are starting a new job working from a home office, you need to get the office ready before the first day of work. Being prepared is the best way to start and be successful in a new venture. Part of getting ready – other than furnishing the office – is to organize the services you will need, including document shredding. An office deals with many documents and digital media that contain others' private information.

End of Year Shredding Purges with Gilmore

End of Year Shredding Purges with Gilmore

As the end of another year approaches, now is a good time to evaluate your document destruction policy and consider your end-of-year shredding strategy. While it's easy to get a little relaxed about documents that have reached the end of life, leaving them in storage beyond their shred date poses risk to your home and your identity security. Year-end purging can help free up space in your home, remove fire hazards, protect your personal information, and prevent threats of identity theft or fraud. While year-end document shredding can seem overwhelming, we're here to help.

Scanning and Storage in Florida’s Winter Months

Scanning and Storage in Florida’s Winter Months

In Florida, winter can be very wet. Unlike other areas where it’s very cold, there are certain parts of the state that have rain no matter what time of year. It’s always a good idea to be prepared for anything when living in Florida, and businesses should have a good scanning and storing system in place to accommodate any unforeseen flooding that can wreak havoc on their business, documents, and systems. Finding a good partner that understands the logistics of Florida’s ever-changing inclement weather to safely carry out a document management plan is key.

Record Management For Accounting Firms

Record Management For Accounting Firms

It’s the time of year when it’s time to review and reflect on what’s occurred throughout the year. It’s also a time where purging should be at an all-time high. Document shredding should be on schedule for the final weeks of the year, in addition to document scanning for documents and data that can’t be disposed of. Knowing which records to retain and which ones can be destroyed can make or break an organization that deals with sensitive data. An effective plan must be in place and carried out on a consistent basis.

Document Scanning vs. Document Shredding: What Do I Need?

Document Scanning vs. Document Shredding: What Do I Need?

Data breaches can happen to anyone, regardless of the size of the company. A breach, whether of physical or digital documents, can cost you a lot of money. You could be fined, and the person whose identity was stolen could sue you. You can take steps to minimize the chances of a data breach. Combining document destruction, document scanning, records storage, cloud storage and implementing a strong security system for your computers are all things you can do to minimize a data breach.

The Small Businesses Guide to Document Scanning and Storage

The Small Businesses Guide to Document Scanning and Storage

Trusting a company to handle scanning your records, whether they are your HR records or your clients' files, is a big step for some businesses. When it comes to scanning and storage, you want to make sure that the company you choose scans every document and that the document storage facility is secure.

Gilmore's Back to Office Checklist

Gilmore's Back to Office Checklist

While aftereffects from Covid-19 aren’t over, many companies require their employees to return to office areas. What does that mean? It means that those employees who were working from home need document shredding solutions to ensure no company data or information is compromised. In addition, the company must have storage and other solutions ready to ensure a smooth return.

Post Covid Downsizing

Post Covid Downsizing

You’re ready to get back in the swing of things and are considering downsizing your home office. There are tons of things you can do, but first, determine why you are downsizing. Have your needs changed? Are you going back to the office? Businesses have a few challenges ahead as they determine whether they will start employing a full staff at the office, keep a rotating hybrid of employees, or want to go entirely remote. For employees, as you’re contemplating what’s next, consider the following:

Scanning and Storage in Florida's Wet Seasons

Scanning and Storage in Florida's Wet Seasons

During Florida's wet seasons, it's easy enough for businesses to get flooded, even those that are not in flood zones. You can save your clients' documents by taking the steps to go paperless or, at the very least, by using a document storage and scanning service. When you decide to go paperless, that means that you will probably have to scan hundreds or thousands of documents that have not reached the end of their retention time. It sounds like a big chore that most would rather ignore.

Protect Your Customers Data-Hard Drive Destruction

Protect Your Customers Data-Hard Drive Destruction

With identity theft more prevalent than ever and more and more companies going fully digital, the risk of customer data getting into the wrong hands is even higher. Most companies have good security, but they don't think about letting data on old hard drives getting into criminals' hands. 

Document Storage Solutions for Your Business

Document Storage Solutions for Your Business

Although many offices have resorted to going full-paperless, there are still many businesses that have not taken the time to assess their document storage protocols. Having a professional document storage company you can tap into to assist in protecting sensitive data is key. Why is document storage so important?

How Long Should You Keep Your Tax Records

How Long Should You Keep Your Tax Records

People are often at one end of the spectrum or another – they either keep tax records forever or throw them away as soon as they do their taxes. If you're in the former category, it's time to go through all of those old records and shred those you don't need to keep. If you're in the latter category, you need to keep your tax record for up to seven years.

Protect Your Customers Data

Protect Your Customers Data

A hard drive is a particularly valuable item to a criminal. Whether it starts as an idle curiosity or a full-fledged identity theft scheme, hard drives contain much information that people would prefer to keep private. If you own a business, it's up to you to keep your customers' information from falling into the wrong hands. The ripple effects of just one identity breach can branch into areas of people's lives that they may not have even realized were possible. Merely wiping a hard drive can't always do the job, and this is a common fallacy that can land people in hot water. Real hard drive destruction takes the whole process a step further, so you're assured that all the data stored on that drive is gone forever. 

Maintain Data Confidentiality In The Workplace

Maintain Data Confidentiality In The Workplace

Confidentiality in the workplace has always been important, but modern offices have complicated the status quo. With every technology upgrade, the workforce is forced to adjust to new procedures and expectations. New workplace laws come out to set the standards for businesses and threaten serious penalties in the face of violations. As much work as it is though, confidentiality needs to take priority. The loss of information can mean anything from legal hassles to a complete shutdown of a business. To keep your livelihood protected, here are five tips to getting it right.

How To Choose A Shredding Company That Fits Your Needs

How To Choose A Shredding Company That Fits Your Needs

When you are looking for a shredding company, you need to check several factors, including the locality and the certification. Making a list titled how to choose shredding company and googling shredding company near me helps you locate local companies and compare services and certifications.

Records Storage Systems That Can Change Your Law Firm

Records Storage Systems That Can Change Your Law Firm

When you are a law firm, you are held to a higher standard for protecting your clients’ data. Identity theft is a real problem that could cost your law firm hefty fines. One of the more significant issues a law firm has is that they store records right in the office.

5 Ways Shredding Companies Secure Your Sensitive Information

5 Ways Shredding Companies Secure Your Sensitive Information

Keeping your clients’ and employees’ sensitive information away from prying eyes is something every company should stay on top of. Even an inadvertent breach could result in hefty fines. You can protect data in your office, but what happens to that data after you’re done with it?