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Information on document storage, imaging services, shredding and more.

Secure Document Storage: A Step-by-Step How To

Secure Document Storage: A Step-by-Step How To

Whether you are an employee or a CEO, you need to know how to keep your customer’s information safe. Most companies now have extensive cybersecurity policies for everyone to follow, but it’s still imperative that you stay aware of security breaches. Employees could go rogue, or customers and patients could lift documents off desks. Employees could err by inadvertently sharing sensitive information or clicking on links that are viruses or keyloggers.

Secure Document Storage for Legal and Financial Professionals

Secure Document Storage for Legal and Financial Professionals

The number of documents that legal and financial professionals ultimately accumulate can be considerable. Organizing, filing, and securing these documents can become a full-time job in and of itself, which explains why this task is so often pushed aside in favor of more pressing matters. If you’re interested in better storage, you should know that the benefits of taking control of all the chaos will be immeasurable. Gilmore specializes in this secure document storage because we know just how much our clients rely on the additional protection. 

Customer Data Security in 2023

Customer Data Security in 2023

Customer data in 2023 has never been more valuable for hackers. As the economy rises and falls, and programs like ChatGPT make malware easier to access than ever before, the pressure on organizations just keeps dialing up. It can be nerve-wracking for decision-makers who don’t want to take any chances.

How you can prepare for Disaster with Document Imaging

How you can prepare for Disaster with Document Imaging

Preparing for natural disasters is one of the most important things you can do, especially if you live in an area where these weather-based issues are more common. As part of your preparedness goals, you'll want to consider document imaging. That involves scanning paper documents and uploading them to a secure, electronic storage location as part of your disaster recovery plans.

Keeping your information safe: How to properly Dispose of Records

Keeping your information safe: How to properly Dispose of Records

Many businesses and government agencies have schedules for record retention and disposal. Certain types of records are kept longer while others are kept for a shorter time. But the actual disposal of records should have specific procedures, especially if they contain personally identifiable information (PII).

Document Storage for Inclement Weather

Document Storage for Inclement Weather

Dealing with inclement weather any time of year can be hectic, but knowing how to protect paper from weather conditions that can affect your operations is critical. Businesses that use document storage methods to keep paper records intact face an uphill battle, especially because certain conditions can damage those documents. Too much moisture, too much heat, and water damage are all factors to consider.

5 Questions to Ask Your Document Storage Provider

5 Questions to Ask Your Document Storage Provider

Many organizations utilize commercial document storage centers to maintain their paper or digital records for the recommended or required retention period. For paper records, this can clear up much-needed real estate in your brick-and-mortar office, keep files organized for easier access, and take the burden of tracking destruction dates and maintaining archived records off your plate. For digital records, this gives you access to expensive scanning and storage software, allowing you to customize the structure to meet your needs. For both, it ensures your document storage services meet the stringent security standards set by government agencies and other regulatory bodies in your industry.

Scanning and Storage in Florida’s Winter Months

Scanning and Storage in Florida’s Winter Months

In Florida, winter can be very wet. Unlike other areas where it’s very cold, there are certain parts of the state that have rain no matter what time of year. It’s always a good idea to be prepared for anything when living in Florida, and businesses should have a good scanning and storing system in place to accommodate any unforeseen flooding that can wreak havoc on their business, documents, and systems. Finding a good partner that understands the logistics of Florida’s ever-changing inclement weather to safely carry out a document management plan is key.

Save Your Business Time and Money With Document Scanning & Storage

Save Your Business Time and Money With Document Scanning & Storage

You can increase productivity and security in your office by using a document scanning service. Whether the files are active or in retention, scanning them into a secure cloud server allows you to access them when needed and keeps them secure from prying eyes. If you are not ready to move to a 100 percent digital office, you can not only scan the documents, which makes it easier to find them and secure them, but you can take advantage of our secure document storage.

Go Green: Reduce Waste with Document Shredding and Storage

Go Green: Reduce Waste with Document Shredding and Storage

Shredding documents and then recycling them doesn't really help the environment when you can't send those documents to a recycling facility that handles tiny pieces of paper. When you shred paper, it shortens the fibers and makes the paper just about useless. However, because we at Gilmore have so many documents – bales of them every day – we send the shredded documents to a special recycling plant that is able to use these tiny pieces of paper to make other products.

How Long Should You Keep Your Tax Records

How Long Should You Keep Your Tax Records

People are often at one end of the spectrum or another – they either keep tax records forever or throw them away as soon as they do their taxes. If you're in the former category, it's time to go through all of those old records and shred those you don't need to keep. If you're in the latter category, you need to keep your tax record for up to seven years.

Office Consolidation Document Storage Tips

Office Consolidation Document Storage Tips

The new reality created by the COVID-19 pandemic has led many businesses to embrace the idea of employees working remotely. As the crisis continues, we expect to see more business consolidating their workspace to reduce overhead expenses.

Hard Drive Shredder: The Solution to Your Digital Hoarding Problem

Hard Drive Shredder: The Solution to Your Digital Hoarding Problem

It’s easier than ever to save digital information. Most of us have thousands of files between our email inboxes, cloud storage, social media sites, and our phones. And while it can seem like a good idea to save everything “just in case,” the opposite may be true.

How does HIPAA Compliance Benefit your Business?

How does HIPAA Compliance Benefit your Business?

Complying with HIPAA law is a requirement for all companies in the healthcare industry as well as all medical providers. If you’re starting your own business and HIPAA law affects you, you might be feeling overwhelmed at the thought of adhering to HIPAA regulations.

Protect Customer Data by Following These 7 Document Storage Tips

Protect Customer Data by Following These 7 Document Storage Tips

Storing customer data puts you in the position of being responsible for protecting your customers’ personal information. Whether you’re storing financial data such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers and Social Security numbers, or personal healthcare information, you have a moral and legal responsibility to act responsibly.

Do HIPAA Privacy Policies Apply to your Organization?

Do HIPAA Privacy Policies Apply to your Organization?

HIPAA privacy policies exist to protect patients’ personal health information. The responsibility of complying with HIPAA regulations falls with healthcare providers, insurance companies, and any other organization that collects and stores health records.

Top 5 Reasons to Store Your Business Documents Offsite

Top 5 Reasons to Store Your Business Documents Offsite

Storing business documents is a concern for every company. Without proper storage, you run the risk of misplacing documents or losing them to water damage and other environmental hazards. And, if your company stores financial or health records, improper storage can lead to regulatory infractions.

Your Survival Guide to Document Storage Compliance in 2018

Your Survival Guide to Document Storage Compliance in 2018

Whether your files are in unorganized disarray — crammed into the storage closet for “safekeeping” —  or you actually face the threat of legal penalties, there’s no better time than now to do some document housekeeping. The new year is around the corner, so why not make document storage and compliance your company’s 2018 resolution?

3 Reasons to Work With a Local Shredding Company

3 Reasons to Work With a Local Shredding Company

Why partner with a shredding company when you can just buy a shredder yourself? I mean, document destruction is as easy as grabbing some files, putting them through the shredder and calling it day, right? Well, not exactly.

Are Your Business Records in Danger? Pros and Cons of DIY Document Storage

Are Your Business Records in Danger? Pros and Cons of DIY Document Storage

As your business grows, a filing cabinet is often not enough to contain all of your important records. Threats like theft, prying eyes and environmental dangers like mold or water damage can seriously harm your important documents and put your business at risk.

Packing a storeroom with boxes or renting a storage unit may seem like an easy fix, but is it the best way to keep your important records, and business, safe?  

Do You Have A Disaster Recovery Plan In Place For Your Business?

Do You Have A Disaster Recovery Plan In Place For Your Business?

When it comes to the safety of business documents you should hope for the best but plan for the worst. This is especially true if you live in an area prone to natural disasters. A backup plan is a must to protect documents and avoid compromising sensitive information.

Why Is Document Storage And Retention Scheduling Necessary?

Why Is Document Storage And Retention Scheduling Necessary?


For some, document management might seem like a luxury and not a need. You might wonder the reason for seeking records management services when organizing, storing and disposing of documents could take place in-house. To answer this question, business owners don’t have to look much farther than a colleague's cluttered storage closet, or, even worse, their own disarray of boxes and loose papers.  

How to Adhere to HIPAA Laws the Right Way

How to Adhere to HIPAA Laws the Right Way

The adoption of computer and mobile technology has revolutionized the delivery of medical care over the last two decades. While new technology helps caregivers and medical administrators operate more efficiently than ever before, it also increases security and privacy risks.