Can a Document Imaging Company Help Preserve Your Family History?
Wed, Nov 19, 2014
By: Jim Beran

When we think about important documents, financial information and business records are at the top of the list. Though professional information is important, some of the most cherished records we possess have to do with our family history. Invaluable memories and genealogical information are often in the form of hard copy documents like pictures and letters. Though documents about your family history are important, and often irreplaceable, they are often left in boxes in attics, basements and closets, putting them at risk for natural disasters, damage or misplacement. Just as your family history progressed over time, so has the method of preserving your family history.
How is it done? Today, a document imaging company can play an important role and preserving important family documents. With the holidays coming up, you may want to consolidate family photos digitally as a gift to reflect on pictures of holidays past. Make sure your documents and pictures are securely preserved to make finding family history simple.
Organize and protect
Instead of boxes collecting dust, bring the past to the 21st century by scanning your family documents. A document imaging company should be able to convert files to any other medium, including software formats such as PDF . JPEG or TIFF files as well as save information to your media of choice, (CD, DVD, etc.). With files digitally indexed, you don’t have to sift through binders or boxes of cluttered information.
Back up in case of disaster
If your family history is packed away in a box in the basement, they are constantly at risk of damage from a natural disaster or accident. Don’t let fire or broken pipe be the end of the road for your family legacy. Document scanning experts can convert records and pictures into high-quality images that will last for years.
Remote accessible when you need it
Instead of storing family history in a box at one house, wouldn’t it be nice for multiple people to have access to sentimental pictures or ancestry information? With a secure, online portal you can access scanned records directly from your desktop. A cloud management system makes it easy and secure for families to access their records from any location that has Internet access.
After all, pictures and records are the best way to capture memories. To make sure these documents are preserved for generations to come, enlist a qualified document imaging company to help. Contact us today for more information and learn four types of documents that need to be scanned today.